Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Welcome to the BARNES Suisse website representing BARNES SUISSE SA.


By accessing the web pages of our website, you declare to have understood and accepted the conditions of use and the legal notices relating thereto.


Our website allows you, in particular, to obtain information about our company, to consult the real estate that we offer for sale and for rent as well as the articles that we publish on our sector of activity.

The information contained on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not contractual, the latter being subject to change depending on market developments.

Legal Notice

Use of the website

All the content of our site is protected by copyright and, unless otherwise provided, is the exclusive and total property of BARNES Switzerland. The fact of opening pages, downloading or copying them does not lead to the acquisition of rights (rights of use, intellectual property rights, etc.). Without prior written permission, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce, transmit (by any means), modify, link or use our website for public or commercial or private purposes. Likewise, any unauthorized use of the content and our website will be subject to legal action.

Exclusion of warranty and liability

BARNES Switzerland declines all responsibility for any loss or damage, whatsoever, resulting from access or use of the website, or caused by links to third party websites on our website. site. Any liability is also excluded in the event of loss of profit, Internet error, whatever it may be (e.g. interruption of operation, malfunctions, viruses, damaging components, terrorist acts, etc.), abuse by third parties (consultation of data, copies, etc.) or loss of programs or other data in your information systems.

Links to other websites

Certain links on our website provide access to third party websites over which we have no influence. We therefore assume no responsibility for the completeness, completeness and legality of the content and links to other sites which appear there or for any products, offers and services presented there. The same applies when these sites contain the logo of our brand BARNES Suisse or another protected designation. Access to websites accessible by links is at your own responsibility.


Privacy Policy

Data protection provisions

The protection of your privacy and the security of your personal data are particularly important to us. The data transmitted by you are treated with the greatest care. When you use our website, our applications comply with the applicable provisions of data protection legislation.

When accessing our website and in the event of electronic contact or communication, user data passes through an open network, accessible to all. Even if the transmission is in the form of encrypted packets, the information about the sender and the recipient is not encrypted. It is therefore not excluded that third parties have access to such information.

Your data will be processed exclusively for the purposes for which you provided them to us or in obvious connection with these purposes. As part of the provision of our services and customer satisfaction measures, we may have to work with independent companies. We carefully monitor these third parties, who are contractually bound to comply with data protection regulations.

By communicating your personal data, you also declare that you consent to them being used for marketing or advertising purposes as well as for monitoring existing and future customer relationships or all of the group companies which are as follows: BARNES Suisse SA, BARNES Swiss Licensing SA, Gerofinance-Dunand SA, Régie du Rhône SA and Aznar & Cie SA.

The confidentiality of communication by e-mail is not guaranteed. Furthermore, an exchange or a request for information via this site has no legal value and can under no circumstances be considered a transaction.

The use of electronic media (Internet, e-mail, etc.) carries a risk of viruses and targeted attacks by hackers against which it is your responsibility to protect yourself.

Registration Form Personal

information collected from registration forms (such as name, surname, address, telephone or email address) is used to send you information relating to our products and services and is intended to be shared.

Personal data

When accessing our website, specific cookies or web beacons may be used to obtain non-personal data on the use of this website. These data are protected from unauthorized access and are not communicated to third parties outside BARNES Switzerland and the company which designs our website. We only analyze the data anonymously and for statistical purposes. We do not use personal data, unless expressly authorized by the user. Within BARNES Switzerland, personal data is transmitted and stored in a secure environment. We take all appropriate measures to ensure that personal data is not accessible to third parties other than our authorized partners. For any questions regarding data protection, you can contact our head office at the following postal address: BARNES SWITZERLAND SA Chemin du Château-Bloch, 11 CP 172 1211 Geneva 8 How to get in touch with BARNES Switzerland: or by email to [email protected] Applicable law and place of jurisdiction The exclusive forum for all possible disputes relating to the use of our website is located at the headquarters of BARNES Suisse SA in Geneva. Only Swiss law is applicable.